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Booking Through Thursday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Deb about (mostly) books and reading. This week’s question:

Do other people influence what you choose to read? When a family member recommends something, or a friend says they hated a book you were planning to read … does it affect your reading choices?

Other people definitely influence what I read. The biggest influence is probably Hecate. I know that if she is mad in love with a book then it is going to be amazing.  But even more than that, she’s influential in that she sends me her books that she wants me to read. And well I can’t get away and not read them if she keeps sending them to me xD

If I have a book (that I own or borrowed from the library) and I find out that my friend hated it or didn’t like it, I will probably still read the book, but I may be a bit apprehensive about it. I try not to judge a book based on what other people say because the only person that knows if I’ll like it or not is me.

My friends mostly influence me on what I hadn’t planned on reading, not so much on what I do plan on reading.